DYN-HF-OMT (-43x43-PAP)

HF On-Metal-Tags /Smart Labels for metal Transponder for the application on metallic surfaces

The immense influence of the magnetic field of the RFID-reader due to metal prevent the application of standard-transponder on metallic surfaces directly.
Application like the identification of machines with metal-bodies, metal containers and tools are not possible with standard transponder.
These applications can be realised now with the DYNAMIC On-Metal-Tag. Due to its spedific screening film these on-metal-tags are also available as labels with 0,5 up to 1,1 thcikness.
DYNAMIC On-Metal-Tags can be placed on the metalic ground but can be read and be writen still reliably. These On-Metal-Tags are self-adhesive and can be applicated on all metal- and non-metal-surfaces.

DYN-HF-OMT (-43x43-PAP)